Monday, January 5, 2009


during my years at plymouth, one of the many things that has stuck with me is finding something beautiful about each day. at the beginning of class with cynthia, she would have each of us share something from the previous day that was beautiful to us. it was her way of having us be more aware of our surroundings, be in the moment of every day and find beauty in even the smallest of things. it was one of my favorite things that we did in class - so simple, yet a powerful message.
i have become a cynical person this year. 2008 was a trying year for me - not to say that good things didn't happen this year. i truly appreciate those moments and the bad things have helped me appreciate them even more. despite this, i let the negative occurrences of this year really get to me and bring me down. i'm not one for pity parties - we are all the makers of our existence. i was so excited for 2009 to come, as if the change of the calendar would bring a sudden change. it seems trite to believe in that, but that physical change of the calendar from 2008 to 2009 was a symbol of change for me. it really is a "new year" and i am making the conscious decision to "let go" (as I learned from the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"). It is hard, it is a challenge, but man it sucks to be cynical.
so in any case, every day i am going to find at least one thing that is beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. i love you! you are amazing and i look forward to seeing your creativity blossom!
